Thursday, December 8, 2011

How to withdraw PF amount from my account with previous employer?

I am resigning my job with bad body will be helping me in the last at this stage what do i have to do to get my pF amount transfered to my new PF last employer is in assam...and new employer is in it possible to transfer the amount from one region to the other....please suggest me what are the steps to be taken to get my PF amount???thanks in advance|||Nobody can withhold the amount in your PF account. It is your money. If you are resigning with giving prior notice you may ask your employer to give your PF details. In normal case they won't refuse. If you have your PF account number you just have to forward it to your new employer. Alternately you can apply for withdrawl. In many cases when an employee leaves abruptly the employer may refuse to forward the details. You can directly apply to the local PF office quoting your PF account number, citing reason - as resignation and get an acknowledgement. Employer's attestation is not required. Your application will be processed in a few days time.

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