Thursday, December 15, 2011

Why are the home schooled states failing?

California has the 8th largest economy in the world. Simply put, knowledge is best produced in a liberal culture. This is why the most prosperous and innovative regions of the United States are also the most politically liberal, and why the most conservative regions of the country are also the greatest beneficiaries of transfer payments. Liberals create wealth and government redistributes it to conservatives. This is, of course, the opposite of the received conservative opinion in the media, and indeed in most of academia. But it is true.|||California is bankrupt. When individual students are tested, homeschooled kids always score higher. Always.|||"When individual students are tested, homeschooled kids always score higher."

REALLY? Even when the science portion of the test comes up? Every home schooled person I've ever met thinks that Jesus rode dinosaurs and that evolution is lie made by the devil.|||Those "politically liberal" areas also have the largest income gap and greatest number of people living on government assistance. BTW, what are home schooled states exactly?|||As a CA resident.....we are broke. The schools are in shambles. We are overrun by illegal aliens. Do you have any other false statements?|||I remember when in the 60's and 70's it was liberals that home schooled.|||least homeschooled kids have morals!|||There are a lot of Rock-Ribbed Conservative business and industrial people who would give you quite an argument about Liberals creating wealth (you make it sound like they're the only ones who do) and an even bigger one about your frankly amazing notion that the government redistributes it to Conservatives.

The fact is, once you plow through the vituperation, there's a grain of truth at the core of the Conservative view on how wealth moves around in this country: It is undeniable that tax dollars go into the pockets of folks who've done nothing to earn them, folks who have contributed nothing to society and who have no intention of doing so in the future.

And regarding that link to the chart you included with your question; the one illustrating (among other things) how Blue States are shortchanged by the Feds on tax distribution compared to Red States: I'm betting there's one out there someplace on the web that the Reds can turn to to refute the Blues.

Besides, that chart doesn't really advance your basic argument about "home schooled states failing"; there's nothing in it about home schooling. In addition to the tax data, there are statistics on Diabetes, child deaths, collective bargaining, income inequality, poverty, obesity and a cheap shot regarding IQ levels in Red and Blue States. The only education-related data was on people over age 25 who had a High School Diploma; it didn't address how they earned it. It's safe to say that every state in the union has at least some home schooling but there's nothing here to show which ones are "failing" or how that makes one state politically superior to another.

As for California, they might have an economy the size you say it is, but it's definitely not healthy, for a number of valid reasons. I'll only point to one, but it's a whopper: Public Sector Unions.

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