Thursday, December 15, 2011

How should I handle my annoying co-workers?

I transferred to a new region with my company.The people are very rude.There is a group of girls that laughs at everything.I politely greet them but pretty much stay to myself and ignore their comments and stares. But my new position entails me to work on machines with another individual.The lady I worked with was ordering me around.I am new so I basically tried to listen and do the things she was telling me to do.Her tone was very rude in my opinion.She kept telling me to do things in a very demanding way, so I told her that she was being bossy.She became all defensive like I was being a b*%26amp;ch.I was like, I don鈥檛 mind her showing me what to do because I need to learn the work, but I don鈥檛 need her talking down to me like a dog. She was like she didn鈥檛 mean anything by it, it's just that we were so busy and that is the way she talks.Last night I worked with another person like that.I try to get through the night, but it is driving me.Looking for another job, but in the meantime.....|||People often wear masks. I have had many similar experiences and the "harsh" people often are just masking turmoil. As for the cliquey girls, I am sure they felt like you when they arrived, and found it easier to conform than challenge. Don't give up it will take time but I am sure you will eventually feel comfortable.|||I had the same experience at my work recently and it came to the point where i couldn't take it anymore and had to quit. I dealt with very bossy and conniving girls for two months, and tried to quit but the managers knew i was a great worker and convinced me to stay. Nothing changed so I wrote a letter about why I chose to quit. They felt horrible about my treatment, and actually fired a couple of the girls that i had issues with. What YOU need to do is start keeping a log of every single situation that occurs on a daily basis that is making you want to quit. When you do quit, write a letter to your boss saying that these are the reasons why it's not working out...there are certainly people at work that are impossible for you to work with, and that you hope future new employees don't receive the same treatment as you. if they like you as an employee they'll ask you to stay, if not, at least they will know how new employees are treated and will try to make a change.|||i am sorry you are having a difficult time in a new environment. just be yourself and try to continue to be yourself. if the bossy attitude persist than very politely ask her if she could talk to you in a different tone that you find it very offensive and disrespectful. if that doesn't work maybe you could speak to your supervisor. i hope it gets better.

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