Thursday, December 8, 2011

People who oppose current Democratic policy not understand the concept of convection.?


Heat transfer in a gas or liquid by the circulation of currents from one region to another.

Let's apply this to the transfer of wealth. If you take from the makers, and transfer some of their wealth to the non-makers---children and the un and underemployed and use that wealth for education and training, then the non-makers become makers and contributors.

If you don't continually transfer this way, the system will eventually run out of energy and collapse.

Instead of opposing wealth transfer, we should be embracing and using it to its full potential.|||and then the makers say F this I'm no longer going to be a maker, and the whole system collapses.

nice theory bonehead.|||Wealth is being redistributed, from the middle class to the rich. Government is not doing this directly by taxing the middle class and giving money to the rich, they are doing it indirectly by policy that favors wealthy and corporate interests and disfavors the poor and middle class

1. Because of the Super low capital gains tax the super wealthy pay about 16% tax on their overall income. The Middle class working for a paycheck pay about 18%

2. Because of zero inheritance tax, the super-wealthy pass every penny on to their heir. Because of medicare limitations and medicaid rules, the middle class die in poverty.

3. Corporate profits are up. Corporate cash reserves have never been higher. Investment costs have never been lower. Corporate taxes have never been lower. Yet corporate America is waiting on more corporate welfare rather than investing and putting people to work, at the same time out to kill the stimulus which is doing the job they will not do.|||Which enumerated power of the federal government in the US Constitution, established to limit the federal government's powers, does the federal government have the power, authority, or mandate to steal money from those who have it for the sole purpose of redistributing it to others who have not earned it, regardless of the altruistic reason?|||False.

Why waste money educating people to do jobs that don't exist?

You want a great example of how capitalism works to benefit peoples of the world?

Look at Coca-Cola.

They have manufacturing facilities all over the globe, and they utilize the local work force to manufacture, market and distribute their product.

That my friend is REAL WEALTH redistribution.

It used to be the same here in the states. There used to be local bottling plants.

Till the eco terrorists made it too expensive for them to use glass bottles.

I'm not saying I support the soft drink industry, because i think their product is basically poison, but they did spread the wealth, at one time.|||I agree. Amercia's economic problems stem from the fact that too much wealth has been consolidated into too few hands. Our economy is consumer based, and the consumer base doesn't have quite as much wealth of their own to spend. Helping the rich get richer will only cause more problems for our economy. Businesses can't stay in business when their customers can't afford their goods and services anymore.|||What you are proposing will transfer the wealthy in this country to other places where they are allowed to keep it.

It will take incentive away from the rest. Why should I work to support everyone else? I will simply quit and take your money.|||"Convection" in the free market would look much different if the Democratic government policies didn't put a heat shield between labor and management.|||Democrats want to take too much away form people which causes economic stagnation and everyone gets the shaft. People will stop risking their money if the reward is too small. Learn basic economics.|||Nice Googling professor.|||Transfer your own wealth and let me keep mine|||Those people are in their right fame of mind.|||%26lt;facepalm%26gt;

Here's the difference: I AM NOT A F_ING MOLECULE, I AM A HUMAN BEING!

My wealth was EARNED as a result of my labor. It belongs to me and nobody else, and no matter what your opinion is, you do not have the right or authority to take it.

Should I redistribute my wealth to the less fortunate? Of course, but that is a totally VOLUNTARY decision about where, when, and how much. If you take it by force, then you are just a common thief.

For as much as you people claim to be the "educated elite", you are the dumbest retards on the planet. You always miss the most obvious and most important point: we are all equal individual humans, and you don't have the right or authroity to take anything from me. You can't take my labor (slavery), you can't take my money (theft), you can't take my sex (rape), you can't take my body parts (assault), you can't TAKE ANYTHING. If you want my kidney, ask for it, if you want my time, ask for it, if you want my money, ask for it, if you want my sex, ask for it; forcibly taking any of those things just makes you an evil monster that should be shot in the face.

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